Major US City

TELAdjust’s recommendations to lower our costs on an ongoing basis were very impressive. These recommendations significantly reduced our monthly telecom expense, for which TELAdjust was not paid a fee. We appreciated that they took the time to help us when there was nothing in it for them.”

- Large Metropolitan City

Client Profile | What We Did

This city is one of top 20 cities in the United States, with facilities in over 400 locations. Large cities have many different types of telecommunications networks, due to the many critical functions they perform. Examples include the police and fire departments, which have extensive security and radio networks.  Water, sewer and traffic departmentsw all have special telecommunications needs, as do emergency-type communications, such as E-911 service, which uses sophisticated telecom services to monitor 911 calls.  All of these functions are critical in nature, and require different types of telecommunications services, some of them extremely customized. TELAdjust conducted an audit of all telecom bills including voice, data, security, internet and wireless – several hundred bills in all. The city had numerous contracts with various carriers and had a mixture of contract and tariff services. The audit uncovered a significant error in contract billing for the city’s main data network, as well as numerous errors related to their global voice contract, internet and cellular billing. TELAdjust recoveries for this client were in the seven figures. Monthly telecom costs were lowered by approximately $40,000.