Founded in 1986 by partners Cynthia Fitzgerald and Karen Gaudette, TELAdjust was a pioneering company in the business of auditing phone bills and recovering refunds for billing errors and overcharges. Its mission is to be a value-added partner with client telecommunications departments in reducing telecom costs through audits and audit-related services. During its 20+ years in business, TELAdjust has achieved an enviable reputation for performance and professionalism while maintaining a position of leadership in the telecom auditing arena.
TELAdjust partners and its staff are all telecommunications industry veterans with special expertise in the interpretation of highly technical telecom contracts and tariffs. Unique skills and decades of experience have enabled TELAdjust to recover millions of dollars in telecom company refunds for a range of clients in the public and private sectors. In addition to recovering refunds for retroactive billing errors, TELAdjust has substantially reduced the amount of clients future bills because its audits cleanse bills of erroneous charges.
As the telecom environment has become more and more complex, so too have telecom company contracts and tariffs. They are confusing and they change frequently. Tariffs are often misinterpreted and misapplied by the telecom companies whose billing systems and practices are inherently complex and difficult for customers to understand. The telecom industry remains under pressure from forces created by deregulation, and large-scale mergers have caused the industry to consolidate its workforce, further exacerbating the difficulties it has traditionally had in rendering accurate phone bills to customers.
TELAdjust is not the biggest telecommunications bill auditing firm in the business, but it is certainly among the best. TELAdjust partners are active participants in auditing bills and negotiating refunds for clients. Its auditors are trained professionals, not inexperienced clerks. TELAdjust possesses unique expertise on custom contract pricing arrangements and carrier billing systems, enabling it to recover substantial reimbursements for clients whose billing rates don’t match their contract rates. TELAdjust also advises clients of cost-reduction opportunities to further reduce future telecom expenses.
TELAdjust makes a special effort to avoid imposing on the time of its clients. It does its billing analysis at its Southfield, Michigan, offices and negotiates directly with respective telephone vendors to resolve disputed charges and to present cost-saving recommendations to clients. It provides at no charge a complete inventory of a client’s telecommunications services by account, type and location. It verifies that services being billed are actually being used.
TELAdjust’s many years of experience in reviewing telecommunications contracts gives it a unique perspective of competitive rate structures for local and long distance voice, data, internet and wireless services, and can be of great value in an advisory capacity.